Birds are forbidden to travel in the Bali sky after the Volcanic explosion

Airplanes have been advised about the dangers of volcanic volcanoes on the desert and the island of Indonesia but after volcanic volcanoes explode and lead to a massage of black smoke at a height of one hundred and fifteen yards in the sky.
The warning to the aircraft refers to the volcanoes of the volcanic eruption on Mount Agung on the island of Bali.
Officials say they are worried about going to the mountain to fully erase the action that will be witnessed for the first time since 1963, when approximately 16 people were killed.

It is the second incident of volcano eruption in the week, and people living about eight miles [8 km] from the mountain have been ordered to move their homes.
But it is a major tourist attraction.
Its main aircraft is operating normally, despite the fact that some airline companies have made a trip since the start of the mountain slope in September

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